SN5090-10 10-Port 9 GHz Analyser
Melcom supply state of the art analogue, RF & Microwave components, multi-function modules and sub-systems.
Product name: SN5090-10 10-Port 9 GHz Analyser categories: Multiport VNAs (300 kHz-9 GHz) from manufacturer: Copper Mountain Technologies
SN5090-10 Suitable for the requirements of the professional electronics market Defence, Space, Test & Measurement, Satcom, Civil Aerospace & Avionics, Broadcast & Commercial Comms, Industrial, Scientific & Medical, Environmental Test.
Part number: SN5090-10 is in stock, contact us for more information or to order.
If you can’t find the product you require please contact us for further information on our extensive range of off-the-shelf and bespoke products or for a quote.
Melcom electronics specialise in Active and Passive Components, Multi-function Modules and Sub-Systems of diverse technologies spanning the frequency spectrum DC to 100 GHz.
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